Bart Bialek character

Bart Bialek

Software Engineer

I'm an innovative Software Engineer specializing in crafting scalable and maintainable web applications.

Specializing in PHP for the backend, and Vue and Nuxt for the frontend, I focus on creating seamless, high-performance web applications. My approach combines best practices with innovative solutions to meet and exceed project goals.

Contact me!

Who am I?

Bart Bialek profile picture

With over three years of experience in web application development, I've honed my skills in both frontend and backend domains. My background provides a strong foundation in web technologies, complemented by a keen interest in security and privacy. I'm also a proponent of open source and an avid Linux user, principles that inform my approach to creating secure, efficient code. This combination of skills and interests drives my commitment to delivering quality, user-focused solutions.


Featured Projects

“Talk is cheap. Show me the code”? I got you.
Here are some of my projects you shouldn't miss

Example Project

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  • Astro
  • TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS
Other projects can be explored in my github profile


Let's be awesome together!

Fueled by a passion for coding and a love for challenges, I'm here for collaboration and exciting projects. Interested? Let's connect and turn ideas into reality!

Get in touch!